But the Obvious!

Archive for October, 2006

Vista RC1 build 5728

Posted by Irus on October 1, 2006


Vista RC1 build 5728



Ok so what’s changed in this build compared to 5600? Here are some of the changes listed. I believe 5728 does not deserve a new review therefore this is in addition to my previous review of 5600. Please refer my earlier review of 5600 for detailed comments.


Bad Stuff (5728)


1. No relief from UAC prompts

2. Display resolution still has to be common between different user accounts

3. While attending UAC prompt Window in the background shows the rough edges of UI

4. Right clicking a link on the links bar in IE7 should have an option of

5. Changing clock time requires admin privileges and prompts

6. Help & Support incomplete.

7. Black patches while moving windows more prominent (using the same set of drivers)

8. Text on the breadcrumb bar and taskbar out of focus

9. No recall of individual folders

10. Copying/moving files at very slow speeds laced with prompts

11. Windows defender fails to start at times (error 0x800106ba)

12. Double the time to startup and shutdown compared to Windows XP

13. Quick tab switching in IE7 not available

14. Calculator gadget missing

15. Deleting MS shortcuts from Start Menu requires UAC and other prompts


Good Stuff (5728)

1. Throwing around the system more successful than before. Reliability is ahead of XP now

2. Icons come in tile view now in ‘select a destination’ window while saving files

3. Work has gone into improving setup, e.g. hardware performance check

4. Overall setup time to useable desktop 25 minutes. Down by 10 minutes.

5. Icon set seems complete now

6. Performance gains can be seen with faster tab switching, smoother windows rendering effects

7. Compared to 5600 only one driver was not installed by default, a TPM chip.

8. 30 days of activation is allowed now compared to 14 days previously

9. Security centre recognizes more anti virus programs now e.g. McAfee 8.5 beta refresh III




Broadly speaking nothing spectacular has changed looks/performance wise also UAC is still stuck where it was. Software compatibility will eventually catch up.

However additional drivers are present and that should help successful test runs of this software on a wider spectrum of hardware globally.

Vista does not excite me in anyway like it should. However the stability of the OS is amazing and for that reason alone I will recommend an upgrade to this version.

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