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Archive for the ‘administration’ Category

corruption in the administration – solution or problem?

Posted by Irus on October 30, 2007

we all agree corruption has taken root in every nook and crany of the Government of India. Here we discuss some off beat solutions to tackle this problem or rather solution to many issues.

once upon a time (Cornwallis 1805) the spoils system (earning from public directly) was legit. today it is not but its still continuing on ground. why feel bad being corrupt for a hypocritical piece of legislation which did not provide for a practical alternative to the spoils system?

that takes us to the next question. do the men make the system or system makes the men?

should we warp the system around corruption today and rename it as fees and bring the corrupt in the definition of honest?

should we accept it legally(finally a practical legislation) and fix a percentage to it and fix new transparency and accountability rules, create appropriate new checks and balances? e.g. lokpal.

should we create lists of items on which bureacracy may charge fees and probably fix grades of fees depending on the customer/clients ability to pay?


should we continue trying to change attitudes etc. which has been a total failure so far and is expected to stay so?

If we select the former we won’t need to have pay commissions anymore as everything will be fixed in percentages. Also waning glow of civil services will hopefully return once again, uplift the morale of the services and finally financial burden of maintaining the government juggernaut will be over.

It only requires a small change in the angle of looking at things. Corruption should be tackled organically (Legalise and assimilate it to regulate it) rather than inorganically tackle it (Punitive actions, checks and balances) because corruption is essentially not preventable. So far all solutions have looked at corruption from the “inorganic-problem-illegal-prevent” angle, is it time to look at it from “organic-solution-legal-regulate” angle? I think so. What do you think?

Posted in administration, corruption, solutions | 5 Comments »